Guidelines as we re-open for in-person worship:
Zion’s leadership is closely monitoring the state’s guidance and that of the CDC. If conditions in the community change we will respond accordingly. These guidelines have been developed with everyone’s safety in mind. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Pastor Scott.
The Congregation Council
The Re-Opening Task Force
- We must recognize our congregation consists of individuals at different levels of risk and with varied risk tolerance thresholds. Please consider carefully your personal risk as well as those in your household when deciding when it is right to attend in person. As we begin to reopen, we hope you will feel supported in going at your own pace and choosing the option you feel is right for you. Anyone not feeling well is asked to choose online worship.
- Please sign up prior to attending on Sunday morning. Each worship service will be limited to 50 participants. A link to the online sign up will be sent out by email the Monday preceding each Sunday. You may also sign up by calling the church office (775-9821).
- We encourage you to enter the church building no more than 15 minutes before worship.
- We will need to be diligent about social distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands in an attempt to care for each other and keep each other safe. Wearing a mask inside the building protects yourself and others. You will be asked to bring your own mask if possible. Zion will also provide masks for those who have forgotten theirs or who do not have one. If you are unable to wear a mask, please choose online or parking lot worship.
- We will need to avoid “bottlenecks.” This means you may need to wait in your car or stand in the parking lot a few feet back as others going inside clear the entrance. As you leave your pew, please continue to observe the distancing guidelines and move directly outside.
- There will be several greeting stations to go by as you enter the church. At these stations, volunteers will offer hand sanitizer and masks for those who do not bring their own.
- You will be encouraged to go directly into worship before service and directly to the parking lot after service without congregating to visit. It is safer to chat outside from 6 feet away.
- Seating for households will be six feet apart in every other pew.
- Because singing is a high risk activity, the singing of hymns by the congregation will be replaced with other music.
- Communion will not be offered on Sunday morning at this time. We will continue our midweek communion services the third full week of each month.
- Access in the building will be limited to the sanctuary, fellowship hall, and bathrooms since the building must be disinfected after every use and between services.
- We do all of these things to try to manage risk, but it cannot be eliminated. Individuals may decide that online or parking lot worship is still their best choice for a while. Also remember it is critical to stay home if you or someone in your household feels sick.
Zion’s leadership is closely monitoring the state’s guidance and that of the CDC. If conditions in the community change we will respond accordingly. These guidelines have been developed with everyone’s safety in mind. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Pastor Scott.
The Congregation Council
The Re-Opening Task Force